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 Ignoring my past blogs as they were probably 10 years ago…life has changed a lot. I’ve stopped going to social media to outpour my life as it has caused me to have a lack of privacy and has overflowed in to negative aspects of my life. I’m enjoying this path that I’m on tremendously. Cody and I first opened his chiropractic business a couple of years ago. We didn’t expect to thrive so well as it was a scary adventure - but the scary adventure has led us in to our dream home (unintentionally by fear of a crazy ex neighbor) , and now we have opened 2 more businesses. He runs his chiro office and I run our salon and our spa as well as run my own hair line company for extensions.  The kids are turning 11,9, and 5 this year. Mandatory time with the kids has tapered off in to being purposeful with time as they don’t need as much attention as they have in the past. It’s so much more enjoyable to be honest. I miss their baby voices and snuggles , but this new journey is a blast. They are all

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