Thoughts on being a Jealous Woman

Walking the mall with my husband today, we had a lil conversation that kinda went like this:
Eric: some girl just checked me out
Me: that's nice
Eric: how come you never get jealous?!
Me: cuz I checked you out once too...

5 minutes later

Eric: Some chick with a really nice butt was next to you in line, and Deacon even noticed it
Me: black yoga pants, blonde pony tail?
Eric:...I wasn't really looking at her hair...
Me: ya I noticed her.  I checked her butt out too, it was really nice.

Then while taking a shower at home, it occurred to me that I had never been this person before I met Eric.  In fact, I used to let comments like this bother me like crazy in other relationships I had.  What changed? Do I just not like Eric enough to get bothered by it? lol, no I don't think that's why.  Then I realized that my mindset had just matured.  I get that I'm not the most attractive woman that my husband has ever seen.  I know that I'm not the most attractive woman who exists. However, I do still find myself to have value and I believe that I am a good looking woman and that I have many good qualities about myself.  Obviously, he picked me over other women because he found me to be special.  Not only does he appreciate my looks, but he appreciates who I am as a person on top of it.  I guess I don't ever feel threatened, because I know my husband loves me.  I know that when I go out, he will find other women attractive, because I find them attractive as well.  It's just how life is.  But, I do know that they haven't birthed his child, they haven't consoled him through the rough points in his life, they don't know what he likes and doesn't like, and they have no firm foundation that can even come close to competing with me.

So, now, I guess instead of being jealous that he finds another women pretty or hot, I think to myself "I find her pretty too...and that's ok", or " I looked at her too and noticed her nice figure, so why is he expected not to?"  I don't get jealous of my husband, because...idk why...but I trust him I think ;).  As long as my man isn't the one obviously checking out a woman while I'm standing right there and making me look stupid, I'm ok with it.  I'm not saying he doesn't do that...cuz he does...but it is what it is.  I do what I can to make MYSELF feel good about myself, and in return I have just enough confidence to agree with him when I see him looking at another woman.


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