
As I just lay my baby down for his nap, I can't help but share.  So many times  I put off saying my blessings because I don't want to come off as braggy or boastful.  A friend once told me "people want to see what's messed up in your life.  They don't want to think you have it all together.  They don't want to hear about all of the good stuff that's going on".  Well, I'm sorry people, but if you choose to read this, I may come off as braggy, boastful, and I'm not going to mention what's wrong in my life for your entertainment.  I hope you can be entertained by GOOD today instead of BAD and that I can spread some positive vibes your way!

- My home. I've had people come into my home and say things like "I remember when we had to start off small like you guys are".  People have made comments about my home being nice for a "starter" home...and honestly, I don't get it at all.  I love my home, all 1400 square feet of it.  I love that it was built in 1900 and has all of the character that it does.  I love what we've done to it!  I feel extremely blessed to have new carpet, new floors, nice appliances, a fenced in backyard, enough bedrooms for all of us, a newer sectional and dining room table that we bought when we moved is this struggling?  How is this nice for a starter home?  This, for me, is just a blessing period.  I never thought that I'd be able to have all of the things that I have already, and I can say that when I look around my home, I feel so much joy about seeing what we've put together through hard work, and most of all, I enjoy seeing the work my husband has put into everything he has fixed and built for our home.  Sure, I do want to move eventually so I can have more room for my children to run around and play in, and I would also like more than one bathroom...but I'm 24 with 2 kids!  This home is more than I could ask for, and I'm extremely proud of it and I LOVE it :).

- My husband.  We have had our share of STRU G G LES in our relationship...and rightfully so.  We went from 6 months of just dating to pregnancy and marriage within the same week, to buying our first home and moving it all in while preparing for a baby.  Then, the baby came, and while learning about our newborn, my husband was in school full time and working for not much money while I was stressed about bringing in enough income and taking care and breastfeeding a new baby.  I feel so blessed to be where we are now and to have this much love for each other like we do.  I can honestly say I love him SO much more than I ever did in the beginning.  I've seen so much growth from him especially throughout this pregnancy, and I couldn't be more proud of him.  My respect for him has grown IMMENSELY.  Not only was he just working 2 jobs and going to school full time, but he would still find time to help me with all of the chores and spend quality time with Deacon and I.  He is so much sweeter, understanding, and easy to get along with than he has ever been before, and this is with all of the stress of 2 jobs and school.  I'm so happy to say all of these things, and I am so happy God brought him into my life (all sappy stuff right around valentines day too ;))

-My children.  So much love for one little person.  So much love for his brother that I haven't even met.  My son is tremendous.  Healthy, handsome, smart, funny...he makes me laugh everyday and he makes me smile nonstop.  I'm so lucky to be able to experience my childhood again by going on carousel and train rides, playing with all of his toys with him, swinging and going down the slides at the park, etc.  I know that from all of the love I have for Deacon, that I can already feel the love for Dannen and anticipate what he will bring to the family dynamic.

-My family.  Mom watches him whenever I ask, and Dad is always eager to help as well.  Seeing Deacon call for his aunt Grace and give her kisses makes me so happy.  I love seeing how much they love him, and I love hearing about the excitement they have for his brother's arrival.  My husband's family is amazing as well.  I love all of them and feel like they are 100% my own...from his mom, to his brother, to my sister in law, to my nephew, to his grandparents, to his aunts and uncles- there isn't a single person I don't adore.

-My job.  I love it.  Period!

* When you're worried and you can't sleep, just count your blessings instead of sheep, and you'll fall asleep counting your blessings
   When your bankroll is getting small, just think of if you had none at all and you'll fall asleep counting your blessings*


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