Life Changes and New Adventures

This past week has been pretty surreal.  So many things happened so suddenly, yet I had no time to sit and think about it because I've been so busy working it all out!  Many of you think me switching jobs was sudden and not planned're kind of right. Many of you think me being pregnant 9 months later with my second kid was sudden and not planned're right.  
To address the latter, I am now in the single digits! YES! 9 weeks away from my sweet Dannen Grey.  Last minute planning is not as hectic as it was with my first son.  I've learned to prioritize the important things...although, Eric is still in the midst of finishing the crib, and I can't say I've been too relaxed on that one ;), but still, a much more patient pregnant lady than before.  Maybe it's because I know this is my last pregnancy.  I'm enjoying it so much more than my first and I feel 100% wonderful most of the time :).  Fears of being an overwhelmed grumpy Mom are in my mind though, and fears of not being able to be as good of a mommy to my firstborn are worries as well.  Although this last week has been very strenuous, I've had a good support system in my husband, and he's helped me to remain mostly relaxed through this transition of switching jobs.  Then there's that...
I have told everyone in my life that as long as I am in Illinois, you won't ever see me leave Sizzor Shak.  I would like to preface this by saying I am extremely grateful for my 5 years there, and I have so much love and respect for Linda and Scott Weber and the girls I worked with.  Linda was the support that helped me through all of my struggles and made me feel like I was at home with her.  I can't say enough about her.  She is an incredible woman, and I mean INCREDIBLE.  The entire decision to leave churned my stomach only because of leaving and disappointing that's gotta say something.
All reasons why I left will not be given.  The gist of it all was I was ready to take my business into my own hands, and I knew I would put much more effort into growing my business if I was on my own.  By working for myself, I can make decisions that best fits my family's financial needs and I can be in control (which most of you know is important to me).
I stayed up for a few nights sick to my stomach about the decision, and processed for those days what my best options were, and it all came down to feeling like it was the right time for me to go.  With my husband and family's full support, it was confirmed to me that I had made the right choice for my family.
I'd like to send out a HUGEEEEE thank you to my loyal clients and friends.  You have no idea how much your support and loyalty has meant to me.  I can be anxiety free through the end of this pregnancy because I know you have my back, and my books show it.  I hope this answers most of your questions so that I don't have to discuss it any longer :).  It's not a fun thing to talk about, but I appreciate everyone's concern.
Hope everyone has a fantastic day and a wonderful New Years! xoxoxo


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