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I'm happy to say I've been too busy to keep up with my blog lately. Getting acquainted with this whole mom stuff has thrown me some curveballs but I wouldn't ask for anything more. I was scared to death about delivery, but oddly enough aside from the few contractions and needles being put in me, it was all wonderful. I was able to deliver vaginally and only ended up with one stitch! At birth, I dilated from a 1 to a 10 in 3 hours and pushed him out pretty quickly, without feeling a thing. I fully believe this was all answered prayer. (to you ladies who do all natural, I have crazyyyy respect for you!) The few days spent in the hospital were amazing. I spent precious time with my husband and baby boy while being waited on and not having to get up/get my own food. However, we were still anxiously awaiting bringing baby Deacon home, and life has been so different since. I thought I'd be bored and lonely at home, but it's been the opposite. We've still been able to go out and shop, hang out with friends, and have friends/family over to the house daily. Deacon is such a good baby and so extremely sweet, I know I've been blessed.
I won't say the first few days weren't challenging, they were. Learning to sleep only 2 to 3 hours at a time is hard, but very worth it. Our biggest challenge so far has been breast feeding. It's painful! I had to get used to it for sure, and then I made the mistake of deciding I just wanted to pump and give him getting back to the boob was SOOO rough. He's got it down now though!
I'm having troubles being patient until I'm fully "recovered". I can't WAIT to run again and go to the gym. Taking walks has helped so far to relieve some of that desire. Life at home is very wonderful too. We giggle all of the time and have fun with each other. I was so excited when I realized I can actually hug Eric without a belly in the way again...and I can also wrestle and kick his butt a little more now that I don't have a baby in the middle to worry about. He's gonna have a fun time with that :). Eric is a great daddy. It's so wonderful to see how other people love Deacon, especially his daddy. I was worried he would be like some other dads I see and not have as big of an interest in our son and I wished, but he gets up with him at night to feed him and loves to hold him, even change his diapers (thank God!). Not only is he being a good dad to our son, but he reminds me every day that he loves me, tells me I'm beautiful, and puts up with my mood swings from being tired. Everything we do together is now extra fun with our little buddy. I know the more we adjust to Deacon and get used to his patterns, the even easier it will be!
Now, I know I've gotten comments from my husband and bro about the postpardum pics I've posted. Well, most of you know me as being into fitness and healthy of course I'm gonna post results! I was so amazed at the changes my body went through after delivery, and I know that before I delivered him I was looking up pics to see what happened to others' bodies as well. So, if they seem vain or for you ;). You try being fat for 9 months and then getting skinny in one week again! haha.
I'm trying to think if there's any other updates you guys have been asking about...Oh, when am I gonna have another one is a common one.
As of now, I'm wanting to wait about 4 years until my little one is in school. I don't need two babies at home! Plus we want to have Eric's degree and be in another home before that happens (if that happens). I could see myself being very content with my little boy...I know people say he needs siblings, but leave that up to me and his dad :)
Thanks to all of you who have brought food and gifts by and came to see our little buddy! It makes me so happy to know we are loved and that he is being welcomed into our friends and families lives so well.
Love you guys!
I won't say the first few days weren't challenging, they were. Learning to sleep only 2 to 3 hours at a time is hard, but very worth it. Our biggest challenge so far has been breast feeding. It's painful! I had to get used to it for sure, and then I made the mistake of deciding I just wanted to pump and give him getting back to the boob was SOOO rough. He's got it down now though!
I'm having troubles being patient until I'm fully "recovered". I can't WAIT to run again and go to the gym. Taking walks has helped so far to relieve some of that desire. Life at home is very wonderful too. We giggle all of the time and have fun with each other. I was so excited when I realized I can actually hug Eric without a belly in the way again...and I can also wrestle and kick his butt a little more now that I don't have a baby in the middle to worry about. He's gonna have a fun time with that :). Eric is a great daddy. It's so wonderful to see how other people love Deacon, especially his daddy. I was worried he would be like some other dads I see and not have as big of an interest in our son and I wished, but he gets up with him at night to feed him and loves to hold him, even change his diapers (thank God!). Not only is he being a good dad to our son, but he reminds me every day that he loves me, tells me I'm beautiful, and puts up with my mood swings from being tired. Everything we do together is now extra fun with our little buddy. I know the more we adjust to Deacon and get used to his patterns, the even easier it will be!
Now, I know I've gotten comments from my husband and bro about the postpardum pics I've posted. Well, most of you know me as being into fitness and healthy of course I'm gonna post results! I was so amazed at the changes my body went through after delivery, and I know that before I delivered him I was looking up pics to see what happened to others' bodies as well. So, if they seem vain or for you ;). You try being fat for 9 months and then getting skinny in one week again! haha.
I'm trying to think if there's any other updates you guys have been asking about...Oh, when am I gonna have another one is a common one.
As of now, I'm wanting to wait about 4 years until my little one is in school. I don't need two babies at home! Plus we want to have Eric's degree and be in another home before that happens (if that happens). I could see myself being very content with my little boy...I know people say he needs siblings, but leave that up to me and his dad :)
Thanks to all of you who have brought food and gifts by and came to see our little buddy! It makes me so happy to know we are loved and that he is being welcomed into our friends and families lives so well.
Love you guys!
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