Why I adore being a married woman...

Here's a little background of my history- I don't love to bring up the past, but it definately impacted my future.
At my 23 years of age, I have been married twice.  The first was when I was 20.  I had everything.  I was with my fiance for 3 years before my wedding, I planned it out, and had every girl's dream wedding.  It was PERFECT to me.  Everything happened how it was "supposed" to happen.  Yet, in my heart, I wasn't ready for marriage. Not exactly sure of every reason why it happened...immaturity, selfishness, maybe we weren't meant for each other in the first place... but in a scattered mess of many things, my marriage was over not even a year later. 
After this, I had my "partying year".  I did whatever I wanted to do, lived with my best friend, and loved every minute of it.  I desperately needed this year.  I had planned to at the MINIMUM wait 5 years to get married, and that was after 5 years of living with the person, to really make SURE I didn't have to go through another divorce again...that's when I met Eric.
Eric had other plans.  After a couple months of being together, he told me he wanted to propose by spring...it was summer.  I was not on board with this, I told him it would be a minimum 5 year engagement and there was nothing else to it...I don't want to deal with marriage again!  I had nothing but bad things to say about it.  
You can guess what happened next lol.  I had a man whom I loved ask to marry me, and with his baby in my tummy, I realized I was blessed to have a man who loved me so much and wanted to be in my life.
My second wedding was the complete opposite.  I was 22, we planned it in a week, bought an outfit at the mall, went to the courthouse, and had a quick ceremony with our families followed by dinner.  I couldn't even think, before I knew it, I was making vows with a man who was fairly new in my life and to be truthful, I was so unprepared mentally for what I was doing. It wasn't until after my wedding, that I realized how much I wanted to marry Eric.
My husband is the only man who I can confidently say I could stand being married to.  We get each other, and he has an insane amount of patience.  To the outside world, I complain and make jokes about him in fun...and I know he does the same about me to his coworkers and friends.  This is why I LOVE marriage.  My life is so fun, so interesting, so chaotic, with high ups and low downs, and I've never enjoyed any rollercoaster quite like this one.  I love fighting with my husband, because with each fight, we discover something new about each other and learn to work out our differences...and usually end up laughing about how ridiculous we were being in the first place.  I love that I have him in bed with me every night, that I can share my favorite netflix shows with him and he lets me use him as a teddy bear and cuddle him even though he hates body heat.  I love that anytime I want to do something, he's up for it.  I always have a partner to go to dinner with, to work out with, to go get drinks with, gamble with, and the list goes on and on because we are so compatible with each other.  I love that when he's on the phone with his friend or mom, I can shout out ridiculous things and annoy him and he laughs at me.  I love that he gets excited when I scream at him and get upset because it means I'm about to charge him and a wrestling match is approaching.  I love that when I'm actually seriously upset, I say horrible things that I shouldn't say, and he brushes it off knowing that I'm a hormonal mess.  I love that when he doesn't brush it off and gets offended, how he denies my hug and gives me the evil eye and I have to corner him and force my hug on him knowing he actually loves every minute of my apology and is 30 seconds away from giving in to my bear hug.  I love when he completely screws me over and I find out he's been lying to me for months, because I can vent my anger to my coworkers who end up cracking some joke to make me smile about it, plus I have a guilt trip to use for a good month or two after it's over ;).  
What I'm trying to say is I'm blessed.  I didn't have this marriage in my plans, but now I wouldn't trade it for my "partying year" in any circumstance.  My life with my husband is actually more fun.  Our laughter with our child is more fun.  Redoing our home together is more fun.  Arguing is more fun...and making up is even better fun.  
For those of you who think that being single is the only fun you'll ever have, you're putting off marriage and kids until you're 40 out of fear you're life is over, you are in for a surprise when you finally do settle down :) as long as it's with your soulmate.  I'm so excited for this adventure that will never end.  I have no fear of living with this man for the rest of his/my life...I look forward to the days ahead, and am thankful that his bad and his good will always be a part of my life.  Reguard this novel if I ever post a bitchy status about him, because I'm not saying it won't ever happen ;)


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