To learn patience
To be more understanding
To let love of others cover judgement of others
To learn to laugh in stressful situations
To look for light in the darkness
To weed out negativity in conversations
To be a loving wife and mother
To put myself in their shoes
To be helpful to those in need, and even those not in need
To search for the inward struggles in those I dislike
To save and use my money on things that will be remembered and appreciated
To be content in the present moment
To make more time for friends
To laugh more, and bring others laughter
To give and expect nothing in return
To pray more
To sing and play music more
To run longer, and lift stronger: to push through the pain
To cook healthier
To play longer with my children
To worry less
To clean less
To worry about my appearance less
To drink more often with friends
To dance more
To have a desire to learn
To sleep more: to drink less coffee
To inspire others
To be sacrificial
To give back to those who have given to me
To tithe with no worries and know I will be blessed tithe now, since I had no pen on Sunday.
To bid farewell to making this list, and just start trying to live it
To be more understanding
To let love of others cover judgement of others
To learn to laugh in stressful situations
To look for light in the darkness
To weed out negativity in conversations
To be a loving wife and mother
To put myself in their shoes
To be helpful to those in need, and even those not in need
To search for the inward struggles in those I dislike
To save and use my money on things that will be remembered and appreciated
To be content in the present moment
To make more time for friends
To laugh more, and bring others laughter
To give and expect nothing in return
To pray more
To sing and play music more
To run longer, and lift stronger: to push through the pain
To cook healthier
To play longer with my children
To worry less
To clean less
To worry about my appearance less
To drink more often with friends
To dance more
To have a desire to learn
To sleep more: to drink less coffee
To inspire others
To be sacrificial
To give back to those who have given to me
To tithe with no worries and know I will be blessed tithe now, since I had no pen on Sunday.
To bid farewell to making this list, and just start trying to live it
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