Fit Blog

So...took 2 day off from working out but that def does not mean I was being a lazy bum! haha if you ever take days off, be productive at home and stay busy.  I cleaned and went crazy.  Even brought up our 7 foot christmas tree from the basement all by myself :) but with that said, I'm gonna be catching up today at the gym.  Since I didn't over eat for Thanksgiving, I didn't overwork myself at the gym.  Here's an easier workout for those who just want to get a little bit in for the day:
1. Yellow Elliptical for 20 min ranging levels from 5-10 and rotating forwards, backwards, and running in place
2. Jump rope 3 sets of 100
3. Squat with 30 lb bar above your chest and when you come up, push bar above head.  20 squats
4. Do some work on your arms with free weights for 3 sets of 10
5. Get on ground and do 20 leg ups
Stretch and go home

Surprisingly, I was sore for 2 days after this.  Results have been getting better each day! My weight at pregnancy was 156, came home to 147, and now at 3 months pp I'm at 132.  My husband says don't read the scale, but I still like seeing improvement anyways, especially when you know you're building muscle and still dropping lbs.

Here's some yummy food for ya that I've had today
-My husband made (in a cupcake pan) mini kiesh's (sp?) with veggies in them, so I tried one on my way out the door.  Really good!
-1 cake doughnut at church (see I told you I cheat!)
- 1 blackened salmon fillet
-1/2 an orange
-some cheddar cheese with gluten free sesame crackers (crunchmaster, awesome stuff!)

I GOTTA tell you what I made last night for dinner, it was the BOMB!

1 Jalepeno Cheddar tortilla
1 black bean burger (sams club)
1/4 avocado
Cheddar cheese
Spicy pickles

Heat up the patty and tortilla and add the rest on after.  The spicy pickles are PHENOMENAL and I needed no sauce or condiments on the wrap.  Very filling and nummy :)


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